In order to make our setting feel more alive and lived in, we have populated the town of Wanshui with numerous NPCs who play both primary and secondary roles in our plotlines. These NPCs are part of Wanshui's living, breathing organic ecosystem, and can be interacted with upon request as long as there is a valid in-character reason to do so.

The Tian Di Hui - 天地會

As the biggest gang in town, the highbinders of the Tian Di Hui, identifiable in their iconic white kimono, are the ruling caste of Wanshui. These gangsters, known alternatively as hatchetmen, highbinders, and 'itchy onions', are the primary authority in Wanshui. These boys in white can generally be trusted to maintain order, but don't be fooled. They're not here to protect you, only the profits of the illegal businesses that line their pockets.

Auntie Jiang

"I believe in harmony. Balance. Peace. And I don't mind spilling a little blood to achieve it."

The Grand Dragon and “Honoured Chairman” of the Tian Di Hui Tong. A woman who portrays the facade of a sophisticated matron and businesswoman but whose kindly ‘auntie’ act disguises a ruthless, cold-blooded master strategist. One of the most respected community leaders in Doma, everyone has endless praise for the benevolent Auntie, but no one dares whisper a single unkind word about her.

Four Finger Wu

"Tightfist Tung. Best warrior I ever knew. Took down a fornicating gunship in the war. Just to be taken down by some Itchy Hop Sing onion. Karma is a sick comedy, neh?"

A large, balding Roegadyn with the demeanor of a drill sergeant. A veteran of both Doman rebellions, serving with the Tian Di Hui when it was still a clandestine band of freedom fighters. Unable to adjust back to civilian life after the liberation, he remained with the Tong, and joined it in its transition into a criminal organization.

Big Smile Lau

"You know why they call him 'Big Smile'? Not because of his cheery fucking personality."

A quiet, sullen and humourless highbinder, and perhaps one of the most dangerous cutthroats in Wanshui, second only to Koban himself. A thick, jagged scar runs prominently across his neck. Big smile indeed...

Big Fatso

"Big Fatso smash!"

A developmentally disabled Roegadyn with the intelligence of a small child, Big Fatso is an absolute unit of a man, coming in at 7'5ft tall and 420lbs. To Jonny Koban, he is the ideal underling, massive enough to smash all the Tong's enemies, far too stupid to be disobedient.

Bucktooth Lo

"I studied the four books, the five classics, and the eight arts... but all I want to do is fight!"

A bright young intellectual. The youngest of Jonny Koban's highbinders. He came from a well-to-do family of urban literati, and spent his boyhood studying hard to pass the civil service exam. Regularly bullied by his fellow gangsters over his bookishness.

The Green Gang - 青幫

The Green Brotherhood, also known as the Qing Bang, are recent arrivals in Wansui, but have quickly asserted themselves as a serious threat to Tian Di Hui hegemony in the town. The two gangs are natural enemies. The Qing Bang hail predominantly from the chilly northern plains of Yanxia, fueling an intense regional rivalry with the Tian Di Hui, whose highbinders are natives of the balmy southern Yanxian coast. Moreover, while most Tian Di Hui are veterans of the Doman resistance, nearly every Qing Bang is a former Imperial conscript. The Qing Bang's main stronghold in Wansui is the Jade Hairpin pillowhouse, which has quickly become one of the most lucrative businesses in town.

Sho Toku - The Black Whirlwind

"Our brotherhood pays our enemies with suffering and death. And none suffers more than a traitor!"

A former paratrooper in the Imperial Ferae Domitae, and champion of the Green Brotherhood. Toku embodies the trope of the brutal but honourable warrior. He is just as violent as his peers but possesses stern-yet-fair integrity most criminals lack.

Yan He - The Iron Whistle

““I’ve never met a wuxia that could throw a punch faster than my side piece spits lead.”

Formerly known as Aquila pyr Yan. A native of the northern Doman town of Liangkiau, Yan He was conscripted into imperial service when he was a young man. Decades of military service for the Garlean Empire left him profoundly disconnected with his friends and family. Disillusioned and driftless after the Empires’ collapse, he fell in with the Green Brotherhood Gang and fell back upon his military experience to become one of their most effective enforcers.

The People of Wanshui - 老百姓

While Wanshui is run by gangsters, the majority of its population are civilians. Wanshui's residents are drawn from the drinking, scheming, drinking, pimping lower classes of Doma. They are drug addicts seeking a steady drip, disgraced whores exiled from reputable brothels, doctors and dentists who have lost their licenses, and all manner of people with similarly morbid stories. Existing in a wealthy district gated off from the filth is a caste of Doman Government Officials, tasked with bringing law and order to Wanshui. Most of these officials are fully in the pocket of the Triads. Others, however, have proven harder to corrupt, ardent in their quest to break the power of the Tongs and bring Wanshui into the legal fold.

Minister Gao

"The noble person acts in harmony with others but does not seek to be like them; the petty person seeks to be like others and does not act in harmony."

The government appointed magistrate of Wanshui. A stern, ostensibly incorruptible government official singularly devoted to limiting the power of the Triads and introducing the six virtues to the thieving, pimping, whoring underclasses of a stubbornly lawless town that refuses to embrace civilization.

Abbot Liu

"The temple bell echoes the impermanence of all things. The colours of the flowers testify to the truth that those who flourish must decay. Pride lasts but a little while, like a dream on a spring night."

The Abbot of Little Matsu Temple, whose upkeep is paid for by the Tian Di Hui Tong. A kind, sagely old man. Despite being owned by a crime lord, Liu seems genuinely dedicated to his faith, making his monastery a tranquil retreat from the stresses of the temporal world.

Madame Wong

“Virginity sells at a premium, and with the right preparations, a girl can be a virgin ten times for ten different men.”

The younger sister of the late Madame Wong lao’da, Madame Wong took charge of her older sister’s business after her brutal murder at the hands of Zheng Tianshou. Like most mama-sans, Madame Wong II has only one god, and that is money.

Butcher Song

"Fuiyoh! This skewer is delicious! What is it?"
"Rule number one of Wanshui, saai lo, never ask what's in the meat."

A butcher who came to Wanshui to sell meat which is illegal in the rest of Doma, such as dog, monkey, and a long forbidden local delicacy... namazu. He has three fingers on his left hand, which he claims is the result of an accident involving a meat hook.

Ma Yutao

"A man fights for many reasons. Pride, honour, revenge. A woman... a woman is simply at war."

An opera singer who used to perform for the incredibly prestigious National Yanxia Opera Company, the late King Kaien Rijin’s favourite group of performers. She was expelled from her troop after being accused of the murder of her husband, a fellow opera singer. Her career in disgrace, she now performs at Wanshui's Red Skies Theatre, a backwater stage in a lawless frontier town.

Doctor Cheng

"Jade pillar wilted, neh? Nothing to be ashamed of. Some powdered Lupin's claw is just what a... healthy gentleman like you needs to revitalize his yang energy..."

The primary healthcare provider for the gangsters of the Tian Di Hui Tong. Once a respected physician administering to high-ranking officials in Doma Castle, Doctor Cheng was forced to come to Wanshui after losing his medical license for reasons he has yet to reveal.

The Zheng Clique

Led by their patriarch, Zheng Zhilong, and his many bastard sons, the seaborne Zheng clan are one of the most vicious band of Confederates sailing the Ruby Sea. Sociopaths and megalomaniacs to a man, they enjoy nothing more than to drive their enemies before them and hear the lamentation of their women. Jonny Koban, whose true name is Zheng Sen, is the youngest progeny of the seaborne Zhengs, and over the years, his father and brothers have made life very difficult for their prodigal saai lo...

Zheng Zhilong

“The day I was born, the sages of Yanxia declared the sighting of Qilin: he of the resplendent scales, which heralds the coming of a wise and benevolent ruler.”

The father of Zheng Sen and the Wakō sea lord of the Zheng pirate fleet, a faction of the Ruby Sea Confederacy. A ruthless, cruel and amoral man.

Zheng Tianshou

“Godless? My friend, I am the godliest man to ever raise sail! From the Glittering Basin to the Northern Empty, when men see the prow of my war junks, they pray…”

The son of Zheng Zhilong, half-brother of Zheng Sen / Jonny Koban, and currently the heir apparent to the Zheng fleet. An unhinged sadistic lunatic who takes hedonistic pleasure in experimenting with human suffering and death.

OOC Rules of the Wansui Community

  • You must be able to seperate IC from OOC. Due to the nature of this setting, a lot of us play morally evil characters. You will have to understand that our character's moral values are not reflective of our own.

  • You must be okay with dark themes in RP, including but not limited to prejudice, abuse and exploitation. None of these things will be forced on your character directly without open communication and consent, but you should be prepared to experience ambient exposure to these themes.

  • With that said, all prejudice is strictly in-universe and must be kept entirely to the confines of RP, any OOC prejudice on the basis of peoples' ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc, is strictly forbidden. Any in-character prejudices which are obvious veils/dogwhistles for real world bigotry are also strictly forbidden.

  • OOC communication and consent is mandatory before any player character attempts to victimize, abuse, or otherwise start conflict with another player character. Its crucial to learn each other's boundaries before engaging in RP of a sensitive nature.

  • Actions have consequences. We operate on the principal of mirrored consent. Whatever your character inflicts upon others, you must be okay with retaliation of equal severity being potentially inflicted on your character. In short, you may not commit villainous actions ICly then refuse to face the consequences of your actions OOCly.

  • Don't have main character syndrome. While we do our best to create a setting where the actions of players can have meaningful and lasting impacts on the world, anime protagonist characters are no fun. Don't come in expecting to singlehandedly vanquish all evil, destroy injustice and restore order to Wansui. Fix-all / Bulldozer characters who are written in a way that trivializes all threats and challenges won't be received well.


  • Why is Wansui China-coded? Isn't Doma a Japan-coded nation? - Because Chinese history is awesome, duh. But in all seriousness, while it is true that Doma is Japan-coded in its naming conventions, religion and the obvious presence of Samurai and Shinobi, its architecture, natural geography and various aspects of its culture are very clearly China-coded. We maintain that it is fully lore-adjacent to portray pockets of Doma as culturally and linguistically Chinese.

  • Is there is a lore basis for the use of the Chinese language in RP? - Kind of. Official lore makes it clear that the Doman language is Japanese-coded, and mutually intelligible with Hingan. However, scant references to an ancient Doman language imply the existence of a Chinese-coded tongue from Doma's antiquity. Moreover, various Chinese-coded game entities like the Swallow's Compass Boss Qitian Dasheng, the Taoist clothing set, and table decorations like Siu Mai help legitimize our stylistic choice to depict the local dialect of Wansui as Chinese, rather than Japanese.

  • Do I have to learn Chinese phrases in order to RP in Wansui? - Absolutely not. Our use of foreign language words in RP never extends beyond single words or short phrases, whose meaning is either baked into the context of the emote or directly translated for the reader. The purpose of using Chinese words & phrases in RP is not to obscure our RP behind a veil of impenetrability, but simply to add some foreign flare to our otherwise simple, easy to access English language RP. If you are uncomfortable incorporating foreign words & phrases into your RP you may simply used [bracketed English] to depict the Doman language in RP.

  • What if I'm not comfortable with my character being exposed to in-universe sexism/racism/prejudice? - You will never be judged for having preferences and boundaries, and while it will be hard to avoid these themes entirely, we will do our best to work within the constraints of your comfort zone and will never force you to RP out something you consider distressing. We practice open communication and no one will ever be made to feel like they're being a burden for saying 'can we pause? I'm a little uneasy about XYZ...' It should also be noted that Wansui's prejudicial themes are strictly in-universe, based on the worldviews and social norms of pre-modern Edo Era Japan & Imperial China. Direct parallels to modern prejudices, be they based on ethnicity, sexual orientation or otherwise, are strictly forbidden.

The PCs of Wansui have come to this town of sin for several reasons. Some are paralegal entrepreneurs seeking their fortune. Others are men and women of good social standing, forced into uneasy alliances with the Triads. Others were exiles or outcasts with nowhere else to go. The Wansui community is home to many compelling PCs, and we hope some of them may inspire you to come up with ideas for how your character will fit into the Wansui milieu!

Jonny Koban / Zheng Sen

[X] Carrd
A Hotheaded, arrogant, devil-may-care young man. Koban walks through life with a chip on his shoulder and is quick to show disdain to anyone he sees as beneath him. Possessed of smarmy charm, he can get away with saying some of the most disrespectful things, and whisk it away with a smile. Jonny Koban is a 'Red Pole', or Hung Kwun of the Tian Di Hui Triad. At an organizational level, Jonny Koban is a mid-level enforcer, but he is the highest ranking member of the Triad permanently stationed in Wanshui, making him the de facto Kingpin of the town... even if his rule is constantly being undermined by myriad threats both internal and external.

Sima Qian

[X] Carrd
A sophisticated and urbane warrior-scholar from northern Yanxia; Sima Qian is the editor-in-chief of the Torii Times. Slavishly dedicated to honour, humility, and self-denial, Qian stands as a beacon of moral propriety in a town steeped in hedonistic sin. Remarkable circumstance has made Qian reluctant allies with the Tian Di Hui Triad on multiple occasions, but the journalist still despises everything Jonny Koban stands for, and devotes much of his life to writing articles about the many victims of gang rule.

Ri'xia Na'ir

[X] Carrd
Loud, obnoxious, and cheerful. A fresher face to Wanshui, but one that's proving to be an enterprising businesswoman and keen eyed people watcher. If you don't find her in the office of her freshly opened brewery in Wanshui, then you'll perhaps find her being a menace in other parts of town. Brothels, Inns, Other taverns. Anywhere one could think to find this firecracker.

Harunobu Kurou

[X] Carrd
To outsiders, Harunobu would appear to be an oddity in the streets of Wansui; a sore thumb. Fine armor and a verbose vocabulary marks him as a Hingan noble, or a 'bastard-sama', as many of the triad would call him. Despite this, he is treated with a degree of respect amongst the populace in Wanshui. His visits aren't uncommon, and he often checks in with Jonny Koban directly upon arrival. Some whisper that he has a personal investment in ensuring Koban's continued grip on power. This rumor is given a small amount of legitimacy due to Harunobu taking it upon himself to train the triad's highbinders in swordsmanship. At times passers by may witness a class of highbinders sparring and singing at the lord's instruction.

Hanaka Ogino

Carrd WIP
Passed around from pillowhouse to pillowhouse, Hanaka has seen the world. Sort of. A recent arrival to Wanshui's brothel, the Golden Gully, Hanaka has made a name for herself with the rumormill suggesting she’s an ‘immortal peach maiden’ thanks to those crystalline scales of hers. She’s most commonly found within the walls of the Golden Gully, occasionally slipping away to taste some degree of freedom.

Zheng Yi Sao

Carrd WIP
A strange seafarer who's recently stepped upon Wansui's shores- Yi Sao's sudden appearance has been left a mystery to the residents of the port town. The woman seemingly avoids any question of her reasons for visitation and extended stay, all the while something brews behind stormy grey eyes. No doubt a cauldron of secrets swirls within her gaze, though perhaps even more linger behind the steel mask that covers the lower half of her face. While most of the women in town are of the warmer and welcoming variety, Yi Sao is anything but- cold and guarded, always on alert.

Gan Mheng

[X] Carrd
A swaggering, effortlessly confident pirate known by many titles, chief among them: Gan Mheng of the Nine Bells. Every step he takes is marked with the soft, melodic sound of his bells; a sound that can frighten his enemies yet calm the spirits of the sea. Having originally been hired to run Zheng Tianshou's naval blockade of Wansui, he has since entered into a more long-term partnership with the Tian Di Hui Triad to defend Wansui by sea. Sporting twelve ships in total, him and his crew spend most of their time within Wansui, waiting for the next threat to try and sail it self at them.

Yuu Tenma

[X] Carrd
An enigmatic youth who appeared one day with a group of 'bastard-samas'. It isn't hard to tell Yuu ain't a fancy noble himself. The runt is often near the docks with his line in the water, though he does seem to frequent The Lucky Kirin to play Mahjong—preferring the company of elders to those near his own age. Yuu appears to have a lucky rod, as he almost always reels in his prize.

Aiya Kikuchi

[X] Carrd
Aiya is a renowned “bastard-sama” typically found in the company of the king of the bastard-samas, Harunobu Kurou. Her position often at his side seems to imply some status in his organisation, especially as she seems to openly sass and speak out in his company with no apparent fear of repercussion. The daimyo of the island of Azai, Aiya’s ships and soldiers played a prominent role in helping save the town from starvation, and then defending it from Zheng Tianshou’s eventual onslaught. Her disdain for the town’s underworld and the many vices offered by it is no secret, showing a clearing favouring of the town’s poor and downtrodden instead.

Awai Kusakari

[Carrd WIP]
Odd, and from the distant shadows like a saccharine sweet breath, Awai first began to work through Wanshui after becoming Johnny Koban’s confidant, and bodyguard, to an odd degree. Yet, ever since the failed assault unto Wanshui by Tianshou, Awai remains present, yet under unclear terms and methods as her main goal remains to be undetermined.

Omako Mibu

[X] Carrd
A layered voice captivates as experienced eyes weighted by decades invite one to not simply look, but listen. Omako Mibu is a proprietress of serval pleasure establishments in the Rakuza district, be it pillowhouses to resturants and a few bathhouses. With the family name holding deep roots in Kugane after over 50 years frequented are the upper circles, either by herself or members of her family. One could wonder what the ever-gentle wife, mother and grandmother is doing within the Wansui, away from her treasured home of Kugane. Certainly she seems not startled by the violence or hardships...

Kaneyo Oshidari

[X] Carrd
A strange and long-wandering eastern devil (Hingan variety), Kaneyo is at times a common sight in Wansui's streets and at times a ghost. Some call her a woman dressed in the attire of a wandering xia, others think him a charmingly feminine man in the armour of the 'bastard-samas'. Whichever and whatever the ronin is, they're close (some would say very close) companions with the House of Zheng's highest consort - a state of affairs only reinforced in rumour by their casual airs towards the king of wansui himself. Is it gold that dogs their returns to Wansui when it happens? Is it thrills? Kaneyo has never said one way or the other.

Wansui - Doma's Vice City

Wansui [萬歲] is a town situated along the swampy banks of the Baihe, or White River, a tributary of the mighty One River. Officially, Wanshui is governed by a Magistrate of the Doman government. However, the true authorities in this precinct are the Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society, who own all the district's businesses… and all its politicians. Wanshui has a reputation for being a district of vice, known for its gambling dens, pillow houses, and somnus lounges, all of which, for some mysterious reason, don’t seem beholden to standard Doman licensing and registration laws.The people of Wansui are drawn from the drinking, scheming, drinking, pimping lower classes of Doma. They are drug addicts seeking a steady drip, disgraced whores exiled from reputable brothels, doctors and dentists who have lost their licenses, and all manner of people with similarly morbid stories.Wansui is known by some as the ‘Ul’dah of the Orient’ for its gaiety and stylishness, and by others as the ‘Whore of Othard’, where every sin imaginable was permissible. Wansui is a town where vice and virtue were bedfellows, ‘a city of contrasts: the rich were so wealthy they could afford to buy anything at any price; the poor so miserable they had to sell anything, property or person, at any price’.

The Tian Di Hui / 天地會

Wansui is run by several triad gangs, the most powerful of which is the Tian Di Hui.The Heaven and Earth Benevolence Society [Tian Di Hui / 天地會] was formed in the years immediately after the Garlean conquest of Doma as a secret freemason organization dedicated to undermining the Imperial oppressors from the shadows. After the liberation, the society went public and rebranded itself as a mutual aid organization which provides support for the poor: offering legal, medical, educational and financial services to Doman families still struggling to rebuild their lives after being displaced by the occupation.Although the Tian Di Hui is widely admired throughout Yanxia for their commendable charity, there are whispers that they never gave up their freemason roots, and where they once used their secret networks for good, they have since spread their tendrils into the world of drugs, smuggling, gambling, prostitution and extortion.

What is the Wansui Community?

The Wansui community is an attempt at creating an immersive, lore friendly roleplaying environment inspired by the Chinese Triads.Within the FFXIV universe, the fanon town of Wansui is located in the semi-China-coded nation of Doma, allowing us to steep ourselves in the intricate customs of the mystical and dangerous Triad underworld while remaining lore adjacent.Our mission statement is to tell compelling, low-power stories that focus on normal characters' struggles to survive among the thieving, pimping, scheming underclasses of Doman society, and thrive in a world shrouded in the mystic ritualism of the Far East.

What kind of characters are we looking for?

  • We greatly prefer sensible, relatively low-power characters that can seamlessly blend in with a well-rounded population of plausible characters. That is not to say your character cannot have unique or special qualities, just not so much so that they are elevated to the level of an MSQ protagonist.

  • We are primarily looking for lore-adjacent, culturally Far Eastern characters of Hingan, Doman, Nagxian and Azim Steppe origins.

  • We are compliant with the in-universe distribution of races, so the main three races of the Far East: Hyur, Roegadyn and Au Ra, are preferred. Viera are acceptable, as canon has confirmed the rare examples of Far Eastern Viera. However, races like Miqo'te, Hrothgar and Lalafell have no indigenous presence in the Far East. Characters belonging to those races will be accepted if they are from elsewhere, but natively Far Eastern Miqos, Hroths and Lalas will be judged on a case by case basis.

  • Characters with a criminal background, ties to organized crime, or a desire to get involved with organized crime will slot in naturally into the Wansui environment.

  • Chinese-coded characters are also a natural fit, criminal or not. Wansui is unique from most FFXIV Far East RP in that it is more Chinese-coded than Japanese-coded. However, Wansui ultimately draws from both Chinese and Japanese cultural motifs, and Japanese coded characters are still very welcome and will fit in just fine in this setting.

Locations in Wansui

Straddling the balmy, swampy banks of the southern Yanxian littoral, Wansui is divided into four main districts.1. The Docks
A hub for the pirates and smugglers who distribute the Triads' product overseas. Known sardonically by the locals as the "Fragrant Wharf", this is a place of drunken brawls, where foreign sailors disappear into the smoke haze of the fetid bars and dreamflower lounges packed along the quay, never to be seen again...
2. The Slums
The Wansui of opulent pillowhouses, glitzy casinos and chic smoking lounges is but a veil of prosperity drawn over a mountain of rot. The majority of Wansui's residents are drug addicts, whores, and impoverished labourers. They live in a maze of narrow, stinking, congested lanes where everyone spits and 95 per cent of the population seems to have chronic catarrh. Visitors to Wansui are told to stay in the Canton and the Bund, and for good reason. The slums are a bleak rat's nest of alleyways where the vast majority of the where every tiny room holds a family of ten, and where rows of night pots line the streets.
3. The Government Canton
A few years ago, the Doman deployed a cadre of long-gowned ministers to establish law and order in Wansui. Of course, these ministers quickly beame toadies for the Triads, paid off with extravagant bribes. Bribes which went into building the only safe neighborhood in Wansui. In stark contrast to the slums, the 'Government Canton' is a gated neighborhood characterized by clean, well-paved, gridded streets, and luxurious siheyuan mansions. Originally populated exclusively by corrupt government workers, the Government Canton is now also home to many of Wansui's wealthiest business owners and high ranking Triad members.
4. The Bund
The beating heart of Wansui. A block away from the docks, the Bund is Wansui's main bazaar. A vibrant, thrumming strip of casinos, lounges, restaurants, opera houses, temples, and other businesses both reputable and not. Every sin and every pleasure Wansui has to offer is concentrated in the Bund. The Bund is where the vast majority of Wansui RP takes place. Most locations below are located within the Bund.

紅天劇院 - Red Skies Cabaret Club

A bawdy club in the heart of the Wansui Bund, featuring a variety of dance and music performances that blend the ancient traditions of eastern opera with the burlesque eroticism of the west. Red Skies Cabaret Club is owned by one Madame Wu Qingwen. More than just an elegant socialite and renowned opera performer, Mrs. Wu is rumoured to have ties to darker circles than the world of theatre...Red Skies Cabaret Threatre is located in Malboro, Shirogane, Ward 10, Kobai Goten Wing 1, Apartment #85

Amber Lotus Dim Sum

A little hole-in-the-wall cafe hidden away in a backstreet behind the Bund. A dive frequented by the thieving, scheming underclasses of Wansui. The Amber Lotus is owned by Ah Tom, a surly, prickly old Amah [granny] both beloved and feared by every two-gil miscreant in town. No one in town, from high rolling red poles to petty street crooks, dares to invoke old Ah Tom’s ire. The Amber Lotus’ specialty is dim sum, a cuisine unique to the region of southern Doma where Wansui is located, consisting of a diversity of light, dainty dishes fried or steamed and served in bamboo baskets.The Amber Lotus Dim Sum Cafe can be found at Malboro, Lavender Beds, Ward 28, Plot 36, Room 1

The Little Matsu Temple

Every neighborhood in Doma, even Wanshui, needs a temple! Gangsters honour their ancestors and the gods too! This local street temple is dedicated to Matsu, a local sea kami commonly worshiped by fishermen and pirates.The Little Matsu Temple is a physical venue and can be found at Malboro, Sultana's Breath Wing 2, Room #14, Ward 1, The Goblet.

The Golden Gully

The local brothel, and the most lucrative business in Wanshui. Currently run by Madame Wong II, the younger sister of Madame Wong I, who was brutally murdered by a secret agent of Zheng Tianshou disguised as one of her whores. Featuring community favourite, Bubble-Arse Meimei.The Golden Gully is located in Mateus, the Goblet, Ward 21, Sultana's Breath Wing 1, Room #9

天河閣 - Tin Ho Gok Sauna and Bathhouse

天河閣 (Tin Ho Gok) is a small bathhouse on the Wansui bund. No one likes a stinky person, lah! In Doma, even the gangsters bathe regularly.Tin Ho Gok Sauna and Bathhouse is located at Mateus Goblet Ward 14, Sultana's Breath Wing 2, Room #65

The Jade Hairpin

An opulent pillowhouse owned by the Green Brotherhood Gang. A fierce rivalry exists between it and its main competition, the Tian Di Hui owned Golden Gully.

Butcher Song’s Discount Offal

Quality cuts of meat. Freshest in Yanxia! Adventurous foodies and intrepid restauranteurs from across the Kingdom come here to acquire the dog, monkey and namazu meat which Lord Hien, in his shortsightedness, has outlawed in the rest of Doma.

The Lucky Kirin

Come for the charming old ladies playing Mahjong, stay because just one more round, one more round and your luck will turn…

The Three Harmonies Dojo

A pillar of the community, a place where disadvantaged youths from troubled families are taught the virtues of discipline, responsibility and respect through a rigid training steeped in the ancient mysticism of Doman kung fu- haha no it’s a place where young initiates to the Triad are trained to fight.

Xinanfong Seafood Restaurant

The only high end dining experience in Wanshui (although high end by Wanshui standards is any joint which adheres to the bare minimum of health and safety standards). Probably supplied by Butcher Song.